Take out Kubbeh from freezer and place it gently into the frying pan, not more than 4-5 pieces together.
Deep fry for 5 minutes or until it's cooked. Overheating the oil will cause the kubbeh to burn from the outside and remain uncooked from the inside.
Yogurt Sauce:
Add 1kg of yogurt to a pot, Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch dissolved in water and 1/4 table spoon of salt and black pepper or as desired, Stir constantly over low heat till the mixture boils.
using a small frying pan sauté 5-7 cloves of minced garlic with 2 tablespoons Fry the Kubbeh on high fire and then add it to the cooked yogurt.
Add the Kubbeh and the sauteed garlic with coriander and mint to the pot of yogurt.